FHIR Demo 2024

Participant #8 / 27


Fass is Sweden's most used channel for pharmaceutical information and is one of the country's most well-known brands. Through Fass, the public, healthcare professionals, pharmacy staff, pet owners and animal care staff always have access to up-to-date and quality-assured information about medicines around the clock.

Fass can be viewed on computers, tablets and smartphones. The apps Fass Care, Fass General and Fass Animals are available for both iPhone and Android. In addition, information from Fass can be integrated directly into other systems via the Fass API.

Gravitate Health and Nordic FHIR ePI

Fass is participating in a cross-border cooperation of the Nordic pharmaceutical product compendia to provide the testing scenarios of Gravitate Health with updated, quality controlled, electronic package leaflets (ePIL) in the Nordic languages.

The package leaflets for medicines approved for the Swedish market are converted from the Fass proprietary XML structure to the HL7 FHIR format. Our goal is to be compatible with the EMA ePI implementation guide, and conform to the HL7 Vulcan Accelerator's global Electronic Medicinal Product Information (ePI) FHIR Implementation Guide.

Data exchange using HL7 FHIR

Today Fass provides information to electronic healthcare records, pharmacies and other actors, using Fass API. To fulfill our mission to provide healthcare professionals and other stakeholders with information on medicines, it is crucial for Fass to be a part of the evolving ecosystem of electronic data exchange. We believe that the use of FHIR in the European and Swedish ecosystem will increase, and we are taking part in that journey, adapting our API to the customer needs.


Anna Wessling

Managing Director


Gunilla Englund

Head of Business Development
