Take part in
FHIR Demo 2024

Be part of the Nordic FHIR Demo showcase!

The FHIR Demo 2024 showcase builds on the success of previous installations in 2016, 2022, and 2023. This year it will be even bigger, and more international.

This year the main presence of the demo will be this website. There are some activities at some events, but we're really aiming to build a resource that is available online, throughout the year.

We're inviting everyone working on FHIR on some level, and for everyone supporting FHIR, to join the showcase. Share what you've done or are planning, and help others find you and learn from your experience and goals!

Participation costs you nothing, and gives you increased visibility within the FHIR community and in healthtech ecosystems overall.

Announce your interest!

Apps and Systems, Consultancies and Institutions

This year, we tag entries into four categories.

Apps are FHIR clients utilizing data in FHIR format or integrated into an electronic health record system or patient portal through the SMART App Launch mechanism.

Systems are platforms and servers receiving and hosting data and making it available to other parties.

Consultancies are companies and organizations helping others to adopt and implement the FHIR standard, apps, and systems.

Institutions are hospitals, government institutions, national HL7 affiliates and other organizations that may not build FHIR implementations themselves but may be utilizing them or just be proponents for FHIR. Of course, they can also build FHIR apps and systems.

Your entry can certainly be tagged with several tags. It might be a service with both an app and a system, offered by an institution. The entry can also be for a company that has built an app and also offers consultancy.

The point is to make it easy for the audience to find implementations they are most interested in. Someone interested in the showcase may be looking to procure existing implementations, or for inspiration from use cases implemented by others, or a partner to help them with their implementation. The showcase aims to serve all these interests.

Frequently asked questions

What does it cost?

No money changes hands. You only need to collect the information you want to present.

Does the implementation need to be in production?

No, it does not. The aim is to show the full range of FHIR activities. We want to show what already works, but also what people are currently working on. We're happy to include you into the showcase even if you just have an idea on how you would use FHIR. Even that may give someone else an idea for their own implementation, or trigger someone to contact you about cooperation.

What kind of information should I present?

There are no strict limits. FHIR is used in many ways. An app vendor may present how their app works seamlessly with a system, thanks to FHIR. HL7 country affiliates may advertise their work plan for this year. These are different kind of showcases, and there are many more. If you don't yet have a clear idea, you may draw inspiration from last year's entries.

How do I submit my information?

If you want to show off your technical competence to the showcase coordinators, please compile your demo page yourself and issue a pull request to the source code of the website. We're using the Gatsby framework, see the instructions.

We of course do realize not everyone is up for that, so you can also send the information you want to be presented in an email, or as a Word document or a slideshow, or by pointing to another website where the information can be copied from. We'll compile the page for you!

Do I need to participate to the listed events?

The main area for the showcase is this website. The showcase will be updated throughout the year. We hope it will become a go-to resource for everyone in the Nordic region looking for advice on how to implement FHIR.

In addition, we will advertise the showcase in several trade events. Some of the participants of the showcase will be present in at least the following events:

The Vitalis conference has a specific session on the program to present the showcase.

You can also inform us about any other events you're planning to attend, and we can list them on this site.

There is no requirement to participate to any event. You are very welcome to get your information listed on the website even if you're not planning to attend any of the events.

When does it start? When do I need to be ready?

This initial website is already public, and some of the showcases have been published. We keep on adding participants throughout the year. However, you most likely get the biggest benefit if you get your case published before the trade shows in May. That's when we'll be advertising the showcase the most.

Can I advertise the showcase on my own?

Sure, by all means. Please do! Also feel free to use the graphical assets used in the demo.

There's even a cool tool to generate background images. Did you notice the background on this page changes with each page load? It is always randomly generated. There's also an animated easter egg. Can you spot it?

What should I do next?

Let the coordinator of the showcase konw that you're interested in participating. Write an email to mikael@sensotrend.com. You don't need to have the showcase ready, just indicate your interest. But do start thinking of what you would like to share, and in which format you'd be able to share it.


Please do get in touch! Email reaches me best.

Mikael Rinnetmäki

FHIR Ambassador, HL7 Finland

+358 50 385 5511

You can also join the FHIR Finland Slack workspace and discuss on the #fhir-demo-2024 channel.

Or reach out to participants in the chat.fhir.org Zulip at the #Nordics stream.