Una Oy

UNA is a publicly owned in-house company and we are helping our owners in ICT development. In the nationwide UNA cooperation, social and healthcare information management and interoperability have been implemented in many ways. UNA solutions already have some FHIR-capabilities.

FHIR Demo 2023

Ydin UNA information flow chart

UNA has implemented a concrete and testable FHIR interface for appointments using the national FHIR basic profiles, which combines data from several different data sources in Ydin UNA. The information produced by the interface has also been brought to use in the Omavointi mobile application implemented by BCB Medical.

Data flow to BCB Medical Omavointi app

This is how we can open social and healthcare data with the help of FHIR interfaces for the wider ecosystem to utilize.

Watch the video below, and read more about our FHIR Demo at our webpage (in Finnish).

SMART App Launch

At UNA, ways to promote usability between applications have been actively sought and promoted. The goal is that once a strongly identified user can move smoothly between the applications they need. SMART App Launch implementations progressing in practice include:

  • It is possible to start UNA solutions from health information systems (e.g. Esko CPIS to Tilannekuva UNA).
  • Additional applications can be launched from Tilannekuva UNA in the future. The solution already comprehensively displays social and healthcare data, but some information (e.g., measurement data, images) needs its own user interface. In the future, you can open a supportive application directly from Tilannekuva UNA.


Juha Rannanheimo

Chief Development Officer
