FHIR Demo 2024

Participant #16 / 27


PIRKKO® Care Optimizer

PIRKKO® is a secure medical web application for managing care plans for medical care processes provided as a Software as a Service solution to customers. It includes elements from Enterprise Resource Planning to improve health care resource planning and outcomes.

Ruutukaappaus Pirkko-järjestelmästä

Current patient health record systems are usually only intended to record notes from individual patient visits.

Care plans are entered as plain text and even when they have a structured form, patient health record systems don’t offer any means to track the execution of the care plan.

PIRKKO® Intervention

The core innovation at the heart of PIRKKO® is the concept of anintervention template. An intervention template is a structured care plan template where the care provider defines the services it offers to patients.

The intervention template includes the name, intended clinical scope, recommended duration and visit frequency of an individual clinical service process as well as associated goals and questionnaires for measuring efficacy of the service.

Electronic Questionnaires

PIRKKO® includes a system for administering questionnaires as electronic Patient Reported Outcome (ePRO) measures for assessing the efficacy of care. Patients can answer the questionnaires with a smartphone, desktop computer or a tablet.

Clinicians can choose from a variety of scientifically validated outcome and symptom questionnaires. ePROs can be attached to individual intervention templates for standardizing their assessment. Examples include, but are not limited to, patient self-assessment of symptoms of illness before, during and after treatment.

PIRKKO® Integration

  • PIRKKO® integration provides seamless data exchange and minimum context management between the patient health record system and PIRKKO®.
  • PIRKKO® can now also export enriched data to data pool.
  • HL7 FHIR based integration option was developed in collaboration with Cerner.
